
We Specialize in Providing the Services That You Need the Most. 

Improve delivery by integrating Software development and IT Operations

The Instazoid DevOps team is composed of experienced developers, ops engineers, and QA experts who work together to provide a complete set of services for your business. We offer a wide range of services that cover the entire software development life cycle

Move to Continuous Delivery, realizing better throughput, resilient systems, and faster time to market

Our services include but are not limited to:

Infrastructure as Code

Manage and provision computer data centers through machine-readable definition files

Cloud Migrate

Move data center capabilities into the cloud by AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure


Frequently deliver apps to customers by introducing automation into the stages of app development

Compliance & Security

monitor and assess systems, devices, and networks to ensure they comply with cybersecurity standards

We understand that each business has different needs. That’s why we offer custom services tailored to your specific requirements. We are always ready to take on new challenges. Our team is equipped with the latest tools and technologies to help you achieve your goals.


Improving the software development process through DevOps

It means isolated changes
are tested and reported
when they are added to a
larger codebase

Continuous Business Planning begins with determining the resources required by the application

A build server is a centralized, stable and reliable environment for building distributed development projects

The code is deployed automatically to the production environment as it passes through all the test cases

It is the ability to do changes new features,  configuration management, fixes bugs, and experiments into production

It is done to obtain
immediate feedback on the
business risk associated
with Software Release


Continuous Business Planning begins with determining the resources required by the application


A build server is a centralized, stable and reliable environment for building distributed development projects


The code is deployed automatically to the production environment as it passes through all the test cases


It is done to obtain immediate feedback on the business risk associated with Software Release


It is the ability to do changes new features,  configuration management, fixes bugs, and experiments into production

Continuous Integration

It means isolated changes are tested and reported when they are added to a larger codebase


Business and organizations we use for DevOps

Programming Language

Our top programming languages for DevOps




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